We submit that such condemnations of male affection and amity have, in evangelical terms, aided and abetted the work of the adversary, and we urge Christians to reconsider, through thought and prayer, the effects of their actions.
The Man2Man Alliance therefore calls upon all Men who Love Men to reject anal penetration, effeminacy, and promiscuity, and to embrace , , and.
We said earlier that historically, in many cultures, Men could express erotic desires for both sexes and be considered totally within the realm of normality.
I look at her, and I know I want her.
This article, which contains sexually explicit images, explores the essentially genital nature of sex, whether between men and men or men and women.
This whole collection is real, and some are pics.
This is an inherently unequal act, epitomized by its tedious terminology of "tops" and "bottoms," which is unmindful of the basic human need for a shared experience without pain and with dignity.
So: is a new force in our country and globally, a force both temporal and spiritual, which calls upon men who love men to do so as Men, bravely and loyally, through the act of , an act that is uniquely male and uniquely ours.