Id like to chat with you over bbm - 🧡 BBM Introduces New Ways to Customize Your Chat Experience

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Message unread: BBM for iPhone and Android review

You id over bbm chat with like to How to

You id over bbm chat with like to How to

You id over bbm chat with like to Inviting someone

You id over bbm chat with like to BBM Video

You id over bbm chat with like to How to

WhatsApp vs. BBM: A quick comparison between the two

You id over bbm chat with like to Top 5

You id over bbm chat with like to New York

New York Times: Try BBM as an Alternate to iMessage

You id over bbm chat with like to BBM Introduces

You id over bbm chat with like to 5 Reasons

Kid Chat

BBM (Windows Phone) review: BBM on Windows Phone still lags behind the chat pack

A better way of communication, without sharing any personal information like; email address or phone number.

BBM (Windows Phone) review: BBM on Windows Phone still lags behind the chat pack

A snippet of the latest message in a conversation -- akin to a snippet on your email's live tile, for example -- would've been awesome, much like the BBM widget on Android.