Âme sentinelle, Murmurons l'aveu De la nuit si nulle Et du jour en feu.
We wish to perceive: - and Doubt punishes us! Excerpt: I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.
Félicien Rops, frontispiece for Les Épaves de Charles Baudelaire.
The second part of the collection contains erotic poems of a pornographic nature about male homosexual relations.
Verlaine was overwhelmed by the "incessant railways on splendid cast-iron bridges" and the "brutal, loud-mouthed people in the streets", but inspired by the "interminable docks.
Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine Meet One of the strangest and most fascinating love affairs of poetry was between Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine.
Sagesse: Bk I, I Beauty of women, their frailty, and those pale hands Which often do good yet can bring all suffering.