For simplicity here, we limit it to 100 messages.
It listens to the result of a query and receives updates when a change is made.
We will import React, ReactAudioPlayer, and the required Material UI components, then import our custom styles.
In this example, you would create a reference to a message in the subcollection with the following code: Notice the alternating pattern of collections and documents.
Now you can start configuring the data source.
Result to come Implement Chat Queries The screen we will develop in this section is fairly simple because it only displays the last 50 messages from three chats: Android, Firebase, and Bug.
Check dependencies In this codelab all of the dependencies you will need have already been added for you, but it's important to understand how to add the Firebase SDK to your app: build.
Now, the Google Firebase realtime database is ready to use with your React JS web app.