Knjiga koja otkriva nepoznate detalje o Golom otoku, šta je Tito znao i zašto sloboda nije umela da peva
TRI PUTA SE ŽENIO, BIO U LOGORU, PREŽIVEO RAT, PROGON I GOLI OTOK: Neverovatna životna priča Vlaste Velisavljevića! (FOTO)
Goli otok: Šest decenija posle
Mislim da su bivši zatvorenici ćutali ne samo zbog straha, već i sramote.
There was no cemetery on the island.
Relativno nizak postotak Hrvata među logorašima ne kvalificira ga kao mjesto nacionalnog stradanja.
As soon as you disembarked, you ended up running the gauntlet of the kroz stroj , in which you were beaten bloody by the other inmates and then, battered, left to fend for yourself.
There was no cemetery on the island.
Relativno nizak postotak Hrvata među logorašima ne kvalificira ga kao mjesto nacionalnog stradanja.
As soon as you disembarked, you ended up running the gauntlet of the kroz stroj , in which you were beaten bloody by the other inmates and then, battered, left to fend for yourself.