Expo chat app using firebase react navigation - 🧡 Using the native Firebase SDK

Using navigation react firebase app chat expo Building a

Using navigation react firebase app chat expo iphone

Using navigation react firebase app chat expo Build a

How to Build a Chat App using ReactNative and Firebase (LinkedIn Clone)

Using navigation react firebase app chat expo iphone

Build a chat app with react

Using navigation react firebase app chat expo How to

Using navigation react firebase app chat expo How to

Using navigation react firebase app chat expo How to

Using navigation react firebase app chat expo Using the

Using Firebase

Using navigation react firebase app chat expo Chat App

Build a chat app with react

Using navigation react firebase app chat expo How to

Chat App

If you want to use instead, feel free to install and configure that the code will still be the same.

Using the native Firebase SDK

If you have done the above steps correctly, you should have the same result as seen in the image below.

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