However, you can use the bind command to set more peculiar actions up or even make one key press take several functions.
Also, you should not bind anything to keys that have stuff assigned to them already, such as the W key, that moves you forward.
It can be hard to find the right amount of "zoom" for your map radar - too much and you don't know where your teammates are, and with too little, you can't really pinpoint your teammates exact positions.
It is like a default +attack meta-command, but you can create your own.
Some players feel like a zoomed out radar makes it hard to see where exactly their teammates are, but there's also clear advantages to being able to see the entire map in your radar.
They can involve turning your view a little bit to one side or changing the viewmodel.
It surely works much faster than the previous one.
If you type in the all chat, both teams will see what you are writing, no matter if you are alive or not.