There are an estimated 10,000 prostitutes working in Austria with many of these being foreigners though you can find Austrian girls in the licensed brothels.
Though sex work is legal, some areas of Austria are a little restrictive and do not issue license for any brothels.
The name of the game is casual encounters only.
Laendleanzeiger has quite a few casual dating opportunities, just brush up on your German.
In this guide, we take a look at the sex scene in Austria including porn trends, sex stats and a look at the ways to hook-up.
The other kind of brothels are known as a laufhaus or walk house where rooms are rented to independent prostitutes.
Like a lot of countries, the rise of the availability of free amateur porn on tube sites has meant that a lot of adult performers choose to work with larger studios including those in the USA.
C Date C-Date is a simple service aimed at providing hook-up opportunities for singes in Austria.