Urban art songs are strongly influenced by the music of the Ottoman authorities who controlled Albania for a very long time, introducing elements of Turkish music, especially the Ottoman modal scales, to local folk styles.
Lazarus Day the llazore , which inauguarates the springtime.
Ja nisi viti shkollor dhe u hetua se kja vajza te cilles ja kisha nu syrin nuk ishte aq nxenese e fort.
Me pyti se a ti birte librat per te ja nisur mesimit dhe i thash "Po" Ka hecke asaj i shkojshin pythet mjaft mir dhe fustani i rriket teper bukur.
Naime, dok su manekenku pitali hoće li uskoro s Flynn imati dijete, Kerr se 'zbunila'.
Turkish influence is strongest around the capital city, Tirana, while Shkodër has been long considered the center for musical development in Albania.
U derdha prap u vesha dhe i thash "Do te shkoj ne shtepi " "Dhe mesimi? Out of this melting pot of local and imported styles came a kind of lyrical art song based in the cities of Shkodra, Elbasan, Berat and Korça.
Eno Koco at the University of Leeds.