By becoming aware of her emotions, she can gain control over them rather than have her emotions control her life.
Mirna Medakovic is loyal to those she loves.
There is danger, however that her trait of determination and dedication will shift to stubbornness, making Mirna cling to ideas and projects well past their fruitious season.
Mirna MedakoviÄ: Da, onda kad je Milan bio na vrhuncu slave ; marko polomarko polo: Kakvi ti se muÅ”karaci sviÄaju? Conversely, Mirna Medakovic can be spontaneous and excited.
The negative side of her personality can cause Medakovic to be ruthless, greedy, and intensely lonely.
Mirna MedakoviÄ: S Petrom je bilo zabavno, s nekim drugim frajerima ne baÅ” tako.
Patient as she is towards her goals, Mirna's flying, ravaging temper endangers her relationships with the very same people that will help her to accomplish those goals.
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