At the top of viewController.
Conclusion Here, we have learned the integration of SignalR and NuGet Package in a project that simplifies the work of our project, and also, the web page designing using Bootstrap.
Select Next, and choose the directory where you want the project to be created.
In theory, it is possible to create a simple WebRTC application without any server components for signaling.
See the following code snippet for listMessages chatThreadClient.
Thanks · Member 13129728 15-Apr-17 1:22 15-Apr-17 1:22 Hello, I wanted to know if we can make video call to other member over same network without internet.
The STUN protocol and its extension TURN are used by the ICE framework to enable RTCPeerConnection to cope with NAT traversal and other network specific details.
You need to use the CommunicationTokenCredential class from the Common SDK to pass the token to your chat client.