Chat heads - 🧡 Solved: Facebook chat heads/bubbles.

Heads chat Android: How

How to Enable WhatsApp Chat Heads Without Rooting

Heads chat How to

What Are Facebook Chat Heads?

Heads chat How to

Messenger Chat Heads are back! (Kinda) : android_beta

Heads chat FB Messenger

Heads chat How to

Android: How to disable Facebook Messenger chat heads

Heads chat Facebook launches

Heads chat How to

Heads chat How to

Floating Chat Heads Using Android Application

Heads chat Solved: Facebook

Heads chat Chat Heads

8 Best Ways to Fix Facebook Messenger Chat Heads Not Working on Android

It is likely that you're correct in your assumption, although I'd like to argue that if they had been planning on using the Bubbles API from the start, then why release a beta version of Messenger without it? Here's how to set it up.