In contrast to his wife, Conrad is skinny, soft-spoken, and even tempered.
She is loving and forgiving, but stern when she sees injustice.
Nagađalo da su oni bili vereni i da je Jeremić u Belu kuću ušao kao zauzet, te da ju je u "Zadruzi" prevario i ostavio, a Anđela je otkrila da nikada nisu bili vereni, ali da jesu bili u vezi kada je on ulazio u rijaliti.
ISPLIVAO EKSPLICITNI SNIMAK Zilhe? Barb Stuewe of noted that while "the humor doesn't always come off," the show "is sometimes quite funny.
Despite their unyielding devotion to Nanette, they are fickle.
U ju se može sresti bilo gdje, čak i u blizini velikih gradova Sao Paolo.
Oh no it's Ninny Pooh.