Let's Chat is a side-project of the development team at.
We can also use third-party libraries but they might be paid services.
Let 's Chat is a persistent messaging application that runs on Node.
Let's add the mongolab addon to our app: heroku addons:create mongolab --app speedchatapp I used speedchatapp in the previous command because I renamed my application but you should use the one provided when you created it if you didn't rename it, for example, sleepy-meadow-81798.
Feel free to use any editing tool you want.
Component { constructor props { super props ; this.
Web structure The primary objective is to setup a straightforward HTML website page that serves out a structure and a rundown of messages.
In the Deployment method, click on Github, type your repository name and click on Connect: Also, make sure that the "Enable Automatic Deploys" on the master branch is activated: It should now look like this: Now let's trigger a first manual deployment to check that everything is fine.