Comment by DONalex on 2016-10-20T15:44:53-05:00 I think Discord will still be the go-to for voice chat.
This is of course not a fix but a workaround but al least I can play with my friends.
Does this mean I can add friends from The States to my bnet now? Is there an audio bot we can test against? Comment by Vorishgo on 2016-10-20T20:12:28-05:00 Less external laggy software like discord and other trash - good news.
There is a potential that some triggers cause these frames this little 'addon' hides to show themselves again.
So every day and every relog it is trial and error which voice channel works, if any.
And others like mumble are vastly superior to vent, so they will still be around.
Then I realized that I was having two issues.
I am willing to help but I don't know where is the documentation for ticket priority.