So have in effect been charged £86.
Before you can start using the app, you'll need to create a profile either by providing an email address or connecting with Facebook or Google+.
This would have been in the Terms and conditions before you made the original purchase.
You just might really hit it off with someone on this list! Badoo values accuracy and all new users must verify their accounts by providing a phone number or by connecting to Facebook.
Thank you thank you thank you, we really appreciate your feedback, it's a special one! Upon doing this, or at a later date, you were found to have breached the Community Guidelines.
Still, there's a side menu with all sections and access to your profile.
I've reported tons of his messages but I'm pretty sure he's no penalty with that.
Hope to hear from you soon Jayme! Badoo vela por la seguridad y el respeto entre usuarios, no toleramos ningún tipo de comportamiento inapropiado, tenemos unas reglas estrictas de uso así como varias funcionalidades de seguridad para ofrecerte la mejor experiencia de dating online.