Firestore chat - 🧡 chat

Chat firestore Connect Firebase

Chat firestore Firebase Firestore

Firestore Data Structure for Chat App

Chat firestore Chat App

Chat firestore Chat App

Chat firestore Firestore Data

Chat firestore Best Firestore

Best Firestore structure for messaging/chat app? : Firebase

Chat firestore Firestore Data

Cloud Firestore

Chat firestore Group Chat

Connect Firebase / Firestore with Google Chat and Notion

Chat firestore Cloud Firestore


Chat firestore Chat App

Best Firestore structure for messaging/chat app? : Firebase

They're also indexed by default, so query performance is proportional to the size of your result set, not your data set.

Cloud Firestore

My current one is to store all the userId that has been added to the group in a Map as key and differentiate their roles removed or not by their value.