Sek into hrk - 🧡 Convert Swedish Kronor (SEK) and United States Dollars (USD): Currency Exchange Rate Conversion Calculator

Hrk sek into Convert Swedish

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Hrk sek into Convert Currency,

Hrk sek into 1 USD

Hrk sek into Convert SEK

Hrk sek into Swedish Krona

Hrk sek into 1 Swedish

1 USD to SEK

Hrk sek into Convert Swedish

Hrk sek into Convert Currency,

1 Swedish Krona (SEK) to Euros (EUR) today

Swedish Krona (SEK) to US Dollar (USD) exchange rate history

I download the data from Datastream a datasource in Finance under xlsm type, then I convert it to xlsx and csv.

USD/HRK Currency Exchange Rate & News

Retrieved 1 January 2011.