Bilo je jako vruće.
Vecerali smo piletinu sto sam napravio,podugo razgovarali o svemu,zatim sam joj rekao da cu ja spavati na duseku na naduavanje a ona na krevetu.
Ali meni se desilo jedno nezaboravno iskustvo jednog toplog dana u avgustu….
Ona je bila ispred mene i dok je koala stalno je njihala kukovima što je izazvalo veliku izbočinu na mome šorcu.
Stanici - view from Adriatic highway Omiš - view from the air Omis - view from the hill over the city Beachfront apartments in Stanici near Omis family private accommodation We present to you a private accommodation of our family in small place Stanici near Omis Central Dalmatia in Southern Croatia : two beachfront apartments with large terrace with sea view, located on famous natural pebble beach, in first row to the Adriatic sea, just 10 meters away from the sea.
So Omis is naturaly well protected and that is why it was easy to defend Omis in past, and also that is the reason why today Omis located in triangle of mountain, river and sea is unique pearl of Croatian coast.
Nastavili smo se cijelo ljeto ali ovo tome neki drugi put.
Nisam ga vadio neko vrijeme dok nije pao skroz.