The former, in the accusative case, appears in the exercise, while the latter, in the nominative, is given in the clues below the exercise and in the vocabulary box.
Него ко су о̀ни мушка̀рци тамо? His name is George, and her name is Mary.
Automatski,igrači Barselone i ostali navijači su ih zavoleli zbog njihove posvećenosti i želje da bodre Barsu tokom svih mečeva.
Thus, the present tense of dàvati is dajem, daješ, daje, dajemo, dajete, daju.
Optimum use of the exercises and drills The teacher should first introduce a new exercise or drill by reading it aloud and then having the students repeat it as a group.
Na žene se nikada nisam palila ali ova me je privlačila nekom čudnom magijom.
Na svim zidovima su bila velika ogledala, jedno čak i na plafonu, tačno iznad kreveta.