Google chat history - 🧡 Turn chat history on or off for users

Chat history google Turn history

Google Workspace Updates: Changes to History on/off setting in Google Chat

Chat history google Google saves

History settings for Chat and classic Hangouts

Chat history google History settings

Chat history google Google saves

Chat history google How to

Chat history google Google Workspace

Chat history google Google Workspace

Google’s messaging mess: a timeline

Chat history google PSA: Gmail

Google Workspace Updates: Changes to History on/off setting in Google Chat

Chat history google PSA: Gmail

Turn history on or off in Google Chat

Chat history google A decade

PSA: Gmail Has Your Old Chat Logs From Google Talk (and Hangouts)

From the Chat tab: Select 'Don't save chat history in my Gmail account' to disable chat history saving, or, Select 'Save chat history in my Gmail account' to enable chat history saving.

Google’s messaging mess: a timeline

Note: You can also just delete individual chat logs.