He picks up many angry spirits, which contaminate him.
Such ritual treatments were believed to symbolically give a rupture from past traumatic war experiences and prevent the ex-combatants from being haunted by the spirits of those they killed.
After initiation to adulthood, girls take the role of providing care and sustenance for children and men.
Interview with Deng and Atuot revealed that worship of Nhialac is expressed mainly through rituals and sacrifices, including offerings, prayers, invocations, praises, music and dance.
Such qualities provide the impetus by which adult Dinka men fulfil their individual ambitions within their social and cultural scheme.
More interviews with Adok and Riek revealed that each kuat usually has a living symbol such as an animal or a plant.
Thereafter, he took some of the remains and threw them over the two parties, who by this time had resumed their places.
This confirms the assumption that western psychosocial interventions are useful in ameliorating traumatic symptoms of depression or dissociation through prescription drug therapy.