UDARIO MUŠKARAC ČEKIĆEM U GLAVU: Uhapšen Surduličanin (27)
Na pruzi na relaciji Beograd
Okdiario, el digital de Eduardo Inda
Muškarac u Firenci udario Marinu Abramović slikom u glavu
IZAŠAO IZ AUTA I UDARIO DVE ŽENE U GLAVU Zastarašujući snimak nasilja u Nišu: Ajkulin brat pobesneo jer se starija žena SPORO KRETALA?! (VIDEO)
Dok su policajci pružali pomoć, pristupio je i muškarac na jet skiju.
They said in a report that Wall Street now owns six times as many barrels of oil in the WTI futures market as there are sitting at the Nymex oil delivery terminal in Cushing, Oklahoma.
Također, poginuo je i pilot helikoptera koji je gasio požar u Grčkoj kada je helikopter upao u more.
Camara's work in "Friends" gave this already forbidding piece a sinister new hue.
They said in a report that Wall Street now owns six times as many barrels of oil in the WTI futures market as there are sitting at the Nymex oil delivery terminal in Cushing, Oklahoma.
Također, poginuo je i pilot helikoptera koji je gasio požar u Grčkoj kada je helikopter upao u more.
Camara's work in "Friends" gave this already forbidding piece a sinister new hue.